It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

I have been shopping NON stop for family & friends this holiday season, and my family members have started asking me what I want for the holidays? Well, they obviously did not read my post on Gifts for GRAND teachers! 😉 So… I’ve decided to edit my list and add a few goodies that I am craving for my December break! Here’s my gift list:


I love spending my December break curled up with a good book. This season I’ve got a few book ideas on my list:

1. I wish my teacher knew…

One day, third-grade teacher Kyle Schwartz asked her students to fill–in–the–blank in this sentence: “I wish my teacher
knew _____.” The results astounded her. Some answers were humorous, others were heartbreaking–all were profoundly moving and enlightening. The results opened her eyes to the need for educators to understand the unique realities their students face in order to create an open, safe and supportive place in the classroom.

2.  Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness: A Guide for Anyone Who Teaches Anything –

“Author Deborah Schoeberlein pioneers the practical application of mindfulness in education.The book follows a teacher from morning to night on a typical school day, at home, during the commute, and before, during, and after class. This book is perfect for teachers of all kinds: schoolteachers, religious educators, coaches, parents-anyone who teaches anything.”

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